• Electronic registry of gender identity in Pediatrics. Conference on Health Informatics: JIS Go Live. Speaker. (November, 2022).
  • New challenges in telehealth: the virtual meeting in Pediatrics. Argentine Congress of Health Informatics. Speaker with Krynski L. (October, 2022).
  • Unleashing the power of data in healthcare. Argentine Congress of Health Informatics. Speaker. (October, 2022)
  • New challenges in telehealth. Conference on Health Informatics: JIS Go Live. Round table with Aizenberg, M, Krynski L & Nuñez J. (May, 2022).
  • Knowledge and Transformation Health Forum. Health and Education: The Future We Need to Shape. Speaker. (November, 2021).
  • Pediatrics ICTs. Argentine Congress of Health Informatics, as a part of 50° Argentine Seminar on Informatics. Lecturer. Health Informatics Seminar: JIS Go Live 2021. Speaker and track coordinator. (October & November, 2021).
  • Patient's Safety.  Health Informatics Seminar: JIS Go Live 2021. Speaker. (November, 2021).
  • An Improved Immunization Record to Support Vaccination During the COVID-19 Pandemic at a University Hospital in Argentina. Speaker. (October, 2021).
  • Online life - Round table with Orsini C, Monastersky D, Pettinati M, Pedrouzo S, & Nuñez J. 1st Information and Communication Technologies in Pediatrics Congress. Secretary.(May, 2021).
  • Impact of screen use by children and adolescents. Forum with Bilinkis S, Krynsky L, Nuñez J. 1st Information and Communication Technologies in Pediatrics Congress. Secretary. (May, 2021).