New challenges in telehealth. Conference on Health Informatics: JIS Go Live. Round table with Aizenberg, M, Krynski L & Nuñez J. (May, 2022).
Knowledge and Transformation Health Forum. Health and Education: The Future We Need to Shape. Speaker. (November, 2021).
Pediatrics ICTs. Argentine Congress of Health Informatics, as a part of 50° Argentine Seminar on Informatics. Lecturer. Health Informatics Seminar: JIS Go Live 2021. Speaker and track coordinator. (October & November, 2021).
Patient's Safety. Health Informatics Seminar: JIS Go Live 2021. Speaker. (November, 2021).
Online life - Round table with Orsini C, Monastersky D, Pettinati M, Pedrouzo S, & Nuñez J. 1st Information and Communication Technologies in Pediatrics Congress. Secretary.(May, 2021).
Impact of screen use by children and adolescents. Forum with Bilinkis S, Krynsky L, Nuñez J. 1st Information and Communication Technologies in Pediatrics Congress. Secretary. (May, 2021).